The Concept of Branding Feels Inauthentic. Can’t I Just Be Myself?

Branding Feels Inauthentic. Can’t I Just Be Myself?

I’ve spoken to several entrepreneurs and creatives who have expressed their hesitance around the idea of building a “brand.” I don’t have a brand, “I’m just showing up as myself” they say in so many words. To this I say, you’re exactly the kind of person who should be consciously building your brand.

Is Branding Really an Inauthentic Concept?

One of my goals has always been to change the way that we think about the modern day brand. Is branding just another detached marketing tool for some? Absolutely- and because of this, I completely understand why authentic and passionate souls have resistance to the idea of branding. On the contrary though, I’ve come to see branding through a different lens.

My love for branding has always been connected to the idea of creating something that is full of passion, creativity, and purpose.

A way to thoughtfully create a strategy that encompasses what you stand for and what you want to put out into the world. Your brand’s foundation is meant to highlight the meaning behind your work. There’s nothing inauthentic about the purpose-driven and passion-led brand.

You’re Creating a Brand Whether You Realize It or Not

To those who are creating content or promoting your work, you are creating a brand whether you realize it or not. A brand simply represents the emotional connection that your audience has with you and the underlying meaning that they associate with your work.

So whether you have actually written out a brand strategy or not, people are still forming an understanding of what they believe you’re all about. So why not create it intentionally and on purpose?

The Beauty of Building Your Purpose-Driven Brand

Developing your brand gives you the opportunity and method of sitting back to assess and reflect on the meaning attached to your work, the impact you want to make, and what your bottom line message is to your audience. It gives your audience the gift of clarity and it gives you the opportunity to produce with intention and clear direction.

So the next time you hear someone mention the idea of branding, ask yourself- “how can I begin to be more intentional with my platform and show up on it in a way that is authentic, strategic, and full of purpose and my own passion to influence change?” THIS is the beginning of your purpose-driven brand.

Share your voice, be strategic, be potent, lead with passion, go out and make a difference. Brand well girl!

Brand Well, Be Well,


Have you ever felt cringy when thinking of your platform as a brand? Send me a DM on IG @Jareenmarie or shoot me an email at and let me know how the idea of the passion-led brand vs “typical” brand resonates with you! Be well girls!


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