Overwhelmed with Juggling Life and Your Ambitions? Here’s What’s Helping Me Get By

Overwhelmed with Building Your Brand while Juggling Life? Here’s What’s Helping Me

As I’ve been navigating the process of building a meaningful brand, I have to admit- there have been many frustrating moments where I’ve felt spread too thin and feeling unable to manage it all.

Branding, Entrepreneurship, and Life- how do we manage it

IG content, TikTok content, reels, long and short form videos, informational posts, planning and filming it all, figuring out a posting schedule, blogging, networking and responding to posts- all the while running a household, keeping up with 2 kiddos, working on my fitness, seeing therapy clients at the office, and continually strengthening my skill set. I’m feeling a bit of anxiety just from typing it all!

Towards the end of June as we transitioned into summer break and my oldest was done with school for the year, things really began to feel hectic. I remember saying to myself “I’m spread entirely too thin, I feel like my home and work life are completely chaotic, and I just can’t keep up with it all.”

At that time I decided that I would take a break from content creation and brand building, rest as we brought in the summer, and focus on adding more structure to my day to day life.

Structure & Flow

I realized that if I plan to build and grow my brand long term, I would have to develop the strength of structure and organization for any of it to work.

Many times we reach the point of overwhelm when we lack the systems and planning to make things flow a bit more smoothly.

I’ve learned just how vital it is to utilize a daily planner and calendar in order to create systems and routines.

Sometimes we are trying to keep up with a long list of to-dos in our head and are growing tired from constantly trying to remember what we have to do and are making endless decisions throughout the day.

A calendar and planner allows us to take our to-do list out of our head and get it on paper. Get in the habit of planning your week and days. The most helpful thing I’m working on implementing is to not go into the next day or upcoming week completely blind.

Create a to-do list and figure out what’s most urgent and then schedule them into your day or week. This cuts back on the constant overthinking around what all we have to do and when will we find the time. Get Started on that list!

Being a Self-Care Girlie…

Maybe it’s the therapist in me but I’m always screaming about self-care and emotional wellness. You can do all the scheduling and planning in the world but if you don’t create space to nurture yourself and process your emotions then it will feel impossible to decrease overwhelm.

Learn what practices help you to feel a sense of relief and ease in your body and mind.

Self care isn’t always only about a nail appointment or trip to the salon. Deep, nurturing self-care produces a positive change mentally and/or physically.

Yoga, journaling, therapy, exercise, meditation, dancing, meaningful connection with others are all forms of self-care that help me to feel balanced. When I don’t feel my best, I typically know that I’m lacking in one of these areas.

Experiment with your own forms of self-care and make a commitment to routinely practice what works.

Don’t Just Brand… Brand Well

We’ve all had our fair share of overwhelm but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Start with asking yourself, where can I start to bring more structure into my daily life…

Remember that it’s ok to take things off your plate if you’re spread too thin and factor it back in when you have more bandwidth. Whether it’s cutting back on how often you post on social media  or taking a few days to pause and  reset.

One thing about your building a brand that you’re passionate about… we always come back to it because we believe in our message!

Have patience with yourself, take things one day at a time, prioritize your wellness, and know that we’re all in this together, figuring things out as we go!

Brand Well,


Whew, that may have felt like a lot to take in! *Deep breath* Remember, you’re not in this alone. Send me a DM on IG @Jareenmarie or shoot me an email at info@jareenmarie.com and let me know how you’re managing to juggle it all and what you feel like you need more of to make things flow more smoothly! Be well girls!


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